Saturday 13 December 2014

India : Arrival

I apologise for the late update as I've been busy since I got here. Where? India, the Land of Spices (I just made that up). I departed from Malaysia on the 25th of October 2014 at 10 a.m. (Malaysia time) from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) on Malaysia Airlines MH 104 & I arrived at the Bengalore International Airpot at 11:15 a.m., India time; so the trip lasted for about approximately 3 hours & 45 minutes.

What kind of place is called Male? A haven for homosexuals & lonely spinsters? *books flight*

Considering that was my first time on a freaking plane (Fcuk yeah!!!) & my first ride travelling  overseas, everything was a new experience for me; the seat, the food, the air conditioner, the air stewardess (unless they're not virgins, I think I... yeah, I'll stop here) - everything is new!   

Then again, the pilot started the engine & I shat myself.

Even the Coke they served me on the plane tasted different. I sat on the left side of the plane between a colleague of mine & a local, who just happened to be on a 1-week holiday from working in Singapore. Why in the blue hell am I mentioning this? I have no idea. Perhaps this paragraph is too short.

Fortunately, it wasn't this piece of shit.

I stayed at a hotel in the airport for about 4 hours before leaving Bangalore at 6:00 p.m. on a SpiceJet all the way to Belgaum, my final destination. The hotel stay was pleasant & I didn't have to share my room. I got to admit, before I got here, I have always look down on India. It wasn't my intention to resume my degree in medicine in India as I have always viewed the country as inferior to mine. As always, God did his way of hitting my head with a metaphorical guitar to crack my skull open, open my eyes & prove me wrong. (to be discussed more later)

If a group of women in saris can send a spacecraft to Mars, anything is possible.

Except for the currency & the lack of Chinese pacing around for every 1m radius, India is not much different from Malaysia. At the Bengalore airport, I was escorted (not that kind of escort, you perv!) by a young man (stop it you dirty-minded SOB) who I was sure I thought was a Malay. I found out he was from Tibet, a Tibetan if I may, *adjusts monicle* & he told me that he was brought up in India & has been staying there ever since. He also told me that there are quite a number of Tibetans & Nepalese here in India & their figure is quite large if it wasn't for India's huge population.

Native American + Chinese = Tibetan
If it helps, this lady is fully awake & is not on cannabis.

Sorry, I have a tendency to get sidetracked easily. So, I departed from Bangalore at 6:00 p.m. & arrived in Belgaum at about 7:30 p.m.. The plane was supposed to land after 1 hour of flight but for reasons unknown, it kept going round & round before eventually landing. 

Damn it, George keep your eyes forward! How are we suppose to not crash this plane!

At 8:00 p.m. we (yea, I didn't fly the whole trip alone) were greeted by our seniors & rode a bus all the way to USM-KLE, my new university. If my memory serves me right, we arrived at 8:30 p.m., just in time for dinner. My first thought of Belgaum was not of home or the locals, it was the weather. It just rained that night & good God it was cold. It wasn't freezing but coming from Malaysia - where your ass sweats like a nervous coal miner by just sitting down for a few minutes - it was very chilly.

You don't know what hell is until you try to balance the water for showering.

I think that's all from me for now. I was supposed to arrive here in India 2 weeks earlier but due to a series of unfortunate circumstances with a teaspoon of assholic people/friends in the mix, I arrived here later than expected. Hence, I am still far behind & have a lot of catching up to do with my syllabus, which explains why it took me a while to update my blog. Whatever it was, I'm grateful that I have arrived here safely & I'm morr grateful for you to spend your time reading this entry. Over & out.

Here's a digital cookie. Now fcuk off.
Just kidding, but seriously, go do something productive. *winks*

*all images belong to their respective owners*

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